
Your student's attendance is important! Being at school helps build a sense of community and allows students to build relationships with their teachers and other students. Attending lessons increases their background knowledge allowing them to succeed in the classroom and beyond.

Attendance Line: 815-423-4108

Absences for medical reasons: If your student is out for three days related to being ill, please provide a doctor's note.

Keep your student home if they have:

  • A fever of 100 or above, or have had one in the last 24 hours
  • Vomited or had diarrhea in the last 24 hours
  • A cough that is not well controlled
  • An ear ache
  • Bad sore throat (if you want to send throat lozenges please send a note with them in a bag giving your permission)
  • Red or itchy eyes

The 24 hour rule:

  • Fevers need to be gone for 24 hours without fever reducing medications such as tylenol or ibuprofen
  • Student must be vomit and diarrhea free for 24 hours prior to returning to school
  • Students may return after 24 hours of antibiotics for an ear infection or strep throat